Yes, that Tea Party.
Here's the original, on youtube. It actually sounds relatively horrible here. Lo-fi. Especially the knocks, that no cover has gotten yet actually, so...
here's the best cover I've heard. Better than the youtube original version. Prettier too. Such a gorgeous song.
Down to impatience.
Listen, I know I've been lazy recently with this blog, but there have been other things to do. Tending. I'm intending to pick it up.
You'll notice (if you've listened to more than the original) above that there are many different interpretations, notes, strokes, harmonics, pacing, almost sound like the original. Ok, that's understandable. Is it exact? I suppose that's the attempt... the sound at least. I mean, there are many ways to play.. but why? Inclination? Style? Skill? Individual interpretation? I mean, obviously these dudes are skilled enough to play it 'exactly'. Why are there differences? Inclination and style I suppose? That's not the whole story.
God I love this song. I could listen to it until the day I die.. at least when it's done well. The arrangement is so driving, so playing on momentum, the pacing, the key, my heart rate changes because of it, hypnotic, instrumental, ugh.... Moreover, why do I like this so much? I mean, I don't really know anyone who likes the tea party, I've never seen them live, and there are no lyrics here. I dunno. Need to look into the chords more.
Eric Chang this post is for you.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
How do you learn a song?
Let's go out, we'll take no prisoners
Lonely love, gotta leave it behind
We look like a million dollars
Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind
Let's get wrecked on Rolling Rock and stroll down to the sea
I'll come to my senses there and then you'll come to me
Let's forget about all the ringing telephones
Let's forget about the boring brick suburban homes
Let's go out, we'll take this town
Let's wrestle this city to the ground
Let's go out we'll take no prisoners
(Lonely love, we'll leave it behind)
Lonely love, gotta leave it behind
(Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind)
We look like a million dollars
(Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind)
Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind
Let's go make some history
Before we fall apart
True love might escape us, girl
But at least we got some heart
Let's forget about all our friends and family
Let's forget about all our lovers, enemies
Let's go out when the sun goes down
Let's wrestle this city to the ground
We'll go out, we'll take no prisoners
(Lonely love, we'll leave it behind)
Lonely love, gotta leave it behind
We look like one million dollars
(Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind)
Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind
We'll go out, we'll take no prisoners
(Lonely love, we'll leave it behind)
We look like a million dollars
(Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind)
Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind
(Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind)
Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind
Every time they look at us, we'll blow their mind