Friday, September 24, 2010

Right to Play Spin-a-thon!

Hey there,

I've signed up for a Right To Play Spin-a-thon for this coming Tuesday (the 28th). I'll be biking for an hour for your donations to RTP. This is through Queen's, and although they haven't updated their website:
... I swear this is legit.

Oh, here is something:!/event.php?eid=148563608513392&ref=mf

Anyway, if you would like to donate to RTP (here's some info about what they do:
- their website is kinda meh...) then here is a good opportunity cuz I could get a free t-shirt out of it too.

You apparently can't donate on the internet so just send me an email with some sort of commitment and I'll collect next time I see you. If you know how to do that email bank transfer thing and I don't have to do too much, then that should be fine as well. If you want a tax receipt, include your mailing address. If you don't want a tax receipt, know that I may use it (el taxmano y yo quizás no estamos de acuerdo ;).