Wanna download? Don't know how? Here's a quick tutorial for any version of Windows.
1. Go here and download this: http://utorrent.com/download_complete.php?os=win
Windows will ask you if you want to save the file. Click 'yes' and save the file to your desktop.
2. Double-click the file you just downloaded (utorrent.exe). The program will install on your computer. It's safe... just follow the default settings.
Once installed, you may not actually see the program, but it's on your task bar near the clock on the right, showing up as a green "U".
3. Now you're ready to actually download shit. Go to this site:
www.piratebay.org There are other download sites that I use occasionally (www.isohunt.com, www.mininova.com) when I can't find something on the piratebay, but for now let's stick with that.
Once at the download site, search for what you want. Let's look for 'Neutral Milk Hotel'. No quotes needed.
Something like this will pop up:
(click on image above to make bigger)
So, as you see there is a lot of shit here... Along the top bar near the right side of the page, you'll see "SE" and "LE". What this stands for is "SEEDS" and "LEECHERS". Seeds are the number of people sharing the file that have the entire file, while leechers are people still sharing the file, but also still downloading parts that they are missing at the same time.
Take the mouse and click on the "SE". What this does is sort the list from lowest to highest number of seeds. Basically, the more seeds and leechers present for a file, the faster it will download. If there are no seeds, you will not be able to download this file... no one is sharing currently.
ok, so you clicked on "SE".. this is about what you should see...
So now the list is organized from most shared files to least shared files. So, our desired file is the top one here... Click on the double green arrow, as indicated below.
Now, if everything goes right, you'll see a dialog box pop up, as below.
Click on "OK" to open the file up with utorrent. (Aside: if downloading other files from my site here, the dialog box will open up immediately after clicking on a torrent link... just follow from here.. )
ok, so you've click "OK", and the utorrent program should open up. It will ask you if you want to download the program. Be sure to check exactly where the file(s) are being downloaded; the default is "My Documents".
Once you've said okay to the download, it will start downloading. You can watch the progress bar..
...once it's at 100%, you have the file(s).
Once it is at 100%, you can play the file(s) from "My Documents". Also, remember to remove the torrent from the utorrent program. Go to the program, right click on the file that is at 100%, and select "Remove". And confirm. This will not delete the files you have downloaded, just stop you from sharing them. If you want to continue to share for a while after downloading, by all means do!
If all this doesn't make sense to you, look you "How to download a torrent" in google, and find something like this: http://www.wikihow.com/Download-Torrents
That's it!
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