Very Sopranos-esque shot eh?.. It's not really like that.. except EMOTIONALLY.
So I've been catching up on Mad Men, before the eventual watching of The Wire, which I've never watched (save the first 2 episodes, falling asleep to... the horror(!).) and man, it's pretty much sucked, until S02E04-5ish. Yeah, I've been watching it that long, sleeping aid than anything else. But since then, wow. Fucking amazing. Definitely not worth the initial investment, but starting at season 2 would be a good choice. Also, Gilmore girls, S01E01.
Now I'm gonna look up shit to back up that claim. The season 2 thing, not the Gilmore Girls.
"The second season finale [...] posted a significantly higher numbers than the series' first season finale and was up 20% over the season two average. 1.75 million viewers watched Sunday night's season finale, according to fast national data from
Nielsen Media Research. The cumulative audience for the three airings of the episode Sunday night (at 9pm, 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.) was 2.9 million viewers."
[16]An aside: On June 20, 2007, a consumer activist group called Commercial Alert filed a complaint with the United States Distilled Spirits Council alleging that
Mad Men sponsor
Jack Daniel's whiskey was violating liquor advertising standards since the show features "depictions of overt sexual activity" as well as irresponsible intoxication.
[27] Jack Daniel's was mentioned by name in the fifth episode.
Maybe an
inspirational thing?.. Yeah, i doubt it.
Again in
ok, so they won a (the?)
Guild for their first and second seasons... still, second season is actually worth watching. How many shows repeat?.. I don't really actually care.
Two Golden Globes for best drama and best actor (Jon Hamm as Draper - of 30 Rock fame) — and the Peabody Award.
Mad Men has improved ratings this season, averaging 1.5 million viewers per episode, compared with about 1 million the first season. Ratings have been rising in recent weeks, hitting 1.9 million on Sunday. - http://www.usatoday.com/life/television/televisionawards/emmys/2008-09-16-mad-men-weiner_N.htm
Ok, maybe no writer change, and maybe just more 'popular'; and I also liked Sex and the City.

Anyway, so tonight is the last night of an improve show at Bad Dog theatre re: Mad Men. I'll be there with my suit and jack.

Good show! Hilarious at times, and they kept very close to the Madmen storyline, so although you probably didn't need to know the show, it certainly enhanced the comedy.