"A study with over 540 patients over three years has found that moderate Vitamin E intake combined with anti-inflammatories was effective in producing a statistically significant intervention against cognitive decline, compared with a placebo, Vitamin E alone, or anti-inflammatory medication alone.
"Our results are consistent for a potential benefit of vitamin E on slowing functional decline and a smaller possible benefit of anti-inflammatory medications on slowing cognitive decline in patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease," according to researcher Alireza Atri.
articleOk, this is taken verbatim (copy/paste) from
http://blog.cognitivelabs.com, which is superb and worth visiting in its own right. The thing I find currious is the anti-inflammatory bit. I take an Aspirin a day. Partially becuase of the anti-inflammatory proporties, and partially because my father, a doctor, has mentioned that the drug will not only lower blood pressure, but there is a property to inhibit a hangover effect. To be more specific, my dad said that there is an inhibitory effect of buildup of 'tired effects' when you have this. It could be due to the anti-pressure (in the tubes - arteries and vessels - in your body), and this obviously extends to your brain. Or, it could be due to something else entirely. That's the beauty of the "black box" that is our body/world/science.
We observe a great deal of things... some work, some don't some have no effect. However, this does, and although (apparently) no one is sure so far, it seems to make sense to take one of these aspirins a day...
Now, Vitamin E? Yeah... just starting to learn about that. Not sure what the 'scientific' / anabolic issues here are, but I'm popping one a day now too... I'll do more research and get back to you...
Food that contains Vit. EVitamin E has also shown signs of being good for topical skin application as well. Not sure how that works, but I suspect it has something to do with its fat qualities, as well as it's absorptive character.