Nuit Blanche 2009.
Arrived much too late after dinner to see Claire and her choir perform for the second straight year :( After arriving on the scene some half hour late, we decided to line up for the telescopes. After not moving for 15 minutes, we took a look up ourselves...
Jordan satisfying a craving.
Egg and sausage party.
Inside The Royal Conservatory...
Dancers outside the ROM.
At the Battle Royal outside the Bus terminal... huge line-ups.
Apparently the wind derailed the lights for a bit...
Pinball.. apparently there for the Battle Royal later on as well..
Not tired yet, but relaxing a bit as Adam grabbed some bbq chicken...

At the foot of the slide.
More bbq... this time, pulled pork.
Real money Monopoly.
Sausage and fire (and hot chocolate mixer!)
Dancing cranes.
Not willing to share.. in front of the camera, anyway.
Surprising installation.
oh my...
Part of the crew...
Beatles cover band, the Rattles.
And they sounded pretty good... (NOTE: VERY LOUD!)
Later, Trinity Bellwoods
All night knit fest.
Gladstone art.
A souvenir press'd penny was obtained...
Next up: Q2C festival!!!
The one thing I missed that I wanted to attend was the country line dancing tutorials at the Reference library, but only starting at 1am (we were there for the disco tutorials, which were... umm.. disco tutorials...), it didn't fit the schedule location wise.
Really fun night though, mostly because of the people around... the art and installations this year seemed a little subpar when compared to previous years, but all in it was a great experience, and more over a fantastic day and night.