• Two twenty-five metre, six-lane pools, a 'tadpool' and an activity pool for the little swimmers
• Summer tennis - twelve clay courts
• Winter tennis - eight bubbled courts
• Indoor skating rink
• Five single squash courts and two double
• Four badminton courts
• Winter golf dome
• World-class curling facility
Umm.. one of those swimming pools has a RETRACTABLE ROOF.
Saturday morning Derek invited me to play squash with him up there, and he gave me a tour of the place... Cameras felt frowned upon, but I did manage to take these with my phone.

No squash pics unfortunately. Derek used to be an ace and ranked on the high school circuit. We played 4 matches I managed to win the last one! I was/am very excited about that!
Oh, and we had lunch afterward, as we watched Josée Chouinard coach some young figure skaters.
I guess the food was mediocre. A man has to take a stand somewhere; back to the Y.