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Live in GlastonburyTwo interpretations from that lyrics page:
"The song gives me the vision of a guy always going to parties/get-togethers, leaning on a table with a cup in his hand, and being bored shitless. The conversations he has are boring, he's not listening to them, not laughing at any of the jokes. He keeps going to these parties so he can't get a decent meal. He's falling asleep, he's obviously not interested in going anywhere anymore but people keep telling him that being able to is "everything a man could want."
"to me the meaning of this song is pretty clear. it refers to life on the road as touring/famous musician.
they constantly plays shows at night, thus sleep a lot during the day and get pale due to lack of sunlight.
the ringing in the ears is that familiar ring we all get after a show. its constant for them because they constantly have to play.
skinny as a rail comes from boozing and not eating properly.
lightbulbs are dim because of odd sleeping cycles, lack of proper nutrition, and general jadedness.
conversations become dull because they start to repeat themselves (due to meeting so many new people).
the sense of humor/interests start to fade because of home sickness, lack of stimulation, and general jadedness.
the verses about a 'confederate'. refer to the fact that there is no one who can bring pep into the situation/break up the monotony. the feeling that this 'confederate' doesnt exist shows the state of mind that they are in. again, jaded.
the verse about looking for sympathy refers to diners/groupies. both are good for a quick meal/pick me up, but dont solve the problem.
but being a 'rock star' is "everything a man could want" and they shouldnt complain.
just my thoughts. "